August 5, 2016

Donald Trump is doing real damage to the Republican Party, but as long as anyone in America challenges white men on their desire to do whatever they feel like doing without restraint, regulation, or criticism, the GOP will still exist, and still have a solid base of support.

For instance, as long as any of us demand any gun regulations whatsoever, it will be possible to win an election in red America with ads like the one above.

And this one:

That's Eric Greitens, a former Navy SEAL who just won the Missouri Republican gubernatorial primary. Pretty much all he does in these ads is shoot off many rounds of ammunition. Yee-haw! Suck it, gun-grabbers!

I found this at Gawker, where the headline, in reference to the first ad, is "GOP Gubernatorial Candidate's Latest Ad Is Just Him Shooting a Machine Gun for 20 Seconds." I was actually surprised that the ad wasn't just shooting spot -- it has a typical political-spot voiceover, with the usual talk about the evil "Democrat machine" and the horrors inflicted by governments spending money on stuff.

Maybe what the headline led me to imagine is still a bit avant-garde for the GOP. But I'm guessing that won't be true for long -- eventually, ads like this will just show a candidate shooting, with no words, no music, just gunfire. At the end the candidate will smile at the camera and say, "I'm Joe Blow, and I approve this message," accompanied by one last blast. What more will need to be said?

Crossposted at No More Mr. Nice Blog

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