Hillary Clinton has had a busy week, and took time to defend immigrants and the US Constitution because....you know.
February 17, 2017

At a speech honoring the late Oscar de la Renta (and celebrating a postage stamp in his honor), Hillary Clinton took the opportunity to make statements clearly directed at the current White House.

She celebrated the fact that Oscar de la Renta was an immigrant.

What a fitting person to be chosen by our Postal Service, mentioned, by the way in the Constitution, something we should all read and re-read in today’s times. And its choice of this immigrant who did so much for our country, his country, truly is what it means when we say, ‘USA Forever.’ Who we are, what we stand for. And let there be many, many more immigrants with the love of America that Oscar de la Renta exemplified every single day.

Mrs. Clinton has had a busy week. Wednesday she had dinner with Saturday Night Live's Kate McKinnon (good lord what might they have discussed?).....

....and then attended a Broadway performance of Sunset Boulevard, where she received a MUCH warmer welcome from the cast and audience than Mike Pence could ever dream of.

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