"I get to do whatever I want." Schlapp insisted, playing the wounded snowflake to Alisyn Camerota's reporter role.
August 22, 2018

Matt Schlapp made unserious claims defending Trump by telling CNN "Michael Cohen pled guilty to actions that are called crimes in the plea deal, that aren’t in fact crimes."

Matt was introduced as the Chairman of the American conservative union and former political director of George W. Bush.

I'm sorry CNN. You must tell the audience his wife works for the administration as a senior communications officer.

Schlapp got bitchy and whiny during the interview, saying he wanted to be treated like Sen. Warren after he refused to answer CNN's Host Alisyn Camerota's basic questions about Trump being named by Michael Cohen as an unindicted co-conspirator to a crime.

After Camerota asked him to express his thoughts about what transpired on Tuesday, Schlapp called it "a news-filled and a fairly shocking day," before insisting Cohen's plea deal had no effect on his support of Donald Trump. Why would he say otherwise since his wife works for the Trump administration as the White House Director of Strategic Communications?

Schlapp, the poor sap told Camerota Cohen "signed [the plea deal] to save his own hide and get a reduced sentence."

Camerota asked, "Just to be clear, you don't believe that President Trump directed him to make those payments to those two women and that it was to influence the presidential race?"

Schlapp said that Michael taped a lot of conversations but he still doesn't believe the proof exists.

"I believe that Michael Cohen pled guilty to actions that are called crimes according to the FEC, but that are an attempt to try to do anything to connect Cohen's wrongdoing to potential wrongdoing with Trump..."

Alisyn told him that Michael testified in an open court, there are wire transfers going from Trump organization' to Cohen to the two ladies. Schlapp denied they were FEC crimes.

Schlapp continued, “Alisyn, can you name any other person in this country who has been convicted of trying to squelch a story in the National Enquirer?”

Camerota was getting annoyed.

“What I think what you’re doing is a lot of sort of fancy rhetorical footwork...”

She asked him again if it affect his support of Donald Trump and he replied by saying that he knew all these sort of things about Trump nobody was naïve about his previous behavior.

Then his inner snowflake came out.

"So you were okay with those things."

"No, I never said I was okay with those things.

"Look, you support him."

"I support him strongly."

"So we have to connect the dots."

Matt yelled, "ALISYN, alisyn, I would like a minute here."

She continued, "He's an unindicted co-conspirator in these campaign finance laws, that's the truth."

"I will answer all your questions...I would like this interview to be along the same tone as Elizabeth Warren just had. Ask your questions and let me answer them."

(You're no f*cking Elizabeth Warren or a Senator and deserve the respect of a partisan hack that you are.)

"I'd like that, Matt, but you have to answer my questions and not redirect," Camerota shot back.

"I get to do whatever I want," Schlapp declared, like a child in need of a nap.

"No, you don't," Camerota corrected.

If CNN can't disclose Schlapp's very close relationship to White House officials or stop his gaslighting ways of tossing distractions, they shouldn't put him on their air.

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