Migrant Children Taken From Their Parents May Never Be Returned To Them
October 19, 2019

Immigrants rights activists and journalists had long suspected that immigrant children separated from their parents at the border may never be returned to their parents, even after judges ordered it separations to stop and reunification to occur within 30 days.. The Associated Press is reporting that this horrific scenario of children with parents that WANT them being adopted out to American families is actually occurring right now. I am at a loss for words.

The AP provided many stories with the same narrative: parents and children separated at the border, parents deported, children remaining in America and then the children being adopted to American families while their parents are in foreign countries, wanting desperately to have their children back.

To sum it up - this is Handmaids Tale type shit. Our country, moving ever closer to Gilead. Children are taken and placed in foster while their parents are being deported without appropriate hearings. Once in foster care, some children as young as infants, have foster families petitition for full custody - and the foster parents win. Why? Because the U.S. Government says they are "not eligible for reunification." And the most sickening part of this? The real parents aren't even told where their children are or that they have been adopted.

Even in cases where parents have expressed a "credible fear" that they will be killed if they are forced to return to their home country, they are being returned in 95% of the cases. But, their children remain in U.S. custody.

DHS continues to lie, telling the AP:

“DHS is not aware of anyone contacting embassy or consulate in a foreign country to be reunified with a child. This is unsurprising given the fact that these parents made a knowing decision to leave their child in a foreign country.”

One of the recipients of migrant children was Bethany Christian Services, one of the largest adoption agencies. A relative of Betsy DeVos worked for Bethany and served on its board. Oh, and DeVos' family has donated over $3 million dollars as well. Perfect.

When these migrant children started arriving, the agency was overjoyed. They upped their recruitment efforts of new foster families at the Christian Reformed Church and other local churches because their main focus is indoctrinating this children from a young age into the Church. Kind of like Gilead in the Handmaids Tale.

This is one step closer to the domininist theocract that Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Bill Barr and Donald Trump dream of. Horrific.

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