November 15, 2019

The verdict is in from the Roger Stone jury: Guilty on all counts. This is bad news for Donald Trump, because it also means that this jury has determined that Stone lied about his contacts with Wikileaks.


The most significant revelation in the trial was the extent to which Stone was in touch with Trump directly and other campaign officials, and how they eagerly anticipated WikiLeaks' releases of hacked Democratic emails in 2016.

Witnesses -- including former top Trump strategist Steve Bannon and former deputy campaign chair Rick Gates -- emphasized the campaign's enthusiasm about hacks and leaks dating back to April 2016. News of the hacks first broke in June 2016, and WikiLeaks started dumping the stolen documents in July 2016, on the eve of the Democratic National Convention.

Prosecutors showed line charts that visualized Stone's communications with top Trump officials. The lines spiked around key moments of the Democratic hack and WikiLeaks releases of the stolen data. In all, the prosecutors discussed several phone calls placed between Trump and Stone -- often around dates when the hacks were in the news.

Isn't it interesting how all of the closest campaign operatives around Trump in 2016 are either in prison, have served their time, or are heading to prison?

Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in American history. This conviction just underlines that. And he knows it, which is why he's desperately "what-abouting."

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