Republicans kept Putin's name off the list of socialists/communists so Rep. Jim McGovern called them on it.
February 1, 2023

During a debate about 'Denouncing Socialism,' which does nothing at all to advance the needs of the country, but instead is just another skirmish in the never-ending culture wars, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) was on fire, embarrassing House Republicans for refusing to include Vladimir's Putin's name on their list.

"Mr. Speaker, I listen to this debate and I get more and more confused. The gentleman from Pennsylvania said that Vladimir Putin was not put on this list because he's a communist," McGovern said. "Yet the gentlewoman mentioned communism several times."

"The gentlelady just talked about the Communist manifesto. I'm looking at the list of people that are mentioned -- among them is Pol Pot, who I think everybody believes, is viewed a communist."

"I'm trying to figure out, why wasn't Putin included on this list?" McGovern asked. "Did somebody get a call from the Mar-A-Lago prison line that you couldn't put Putin on this list? I mean, I don't quite get it."

Obviously, the word "communism" is code for attacking the Democratic Party but the debate was mind-numbing, until Rep. McGovern took no 'prisoners' with his remarks.

Rep. McGovern really needs to do a droll stand up comedy routine for Comedy Central.

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