August 8, 2023

At least one Republican thinks a frontrunner out on bail for three (and counting) criminal indictments may not be a good thing.

And Georgia's former Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan has the added privilege of having been subpoenaed to testify in Fani Willis's case against the so-called former president.

He wouldn't talk about the subpoena or his upcoming testimony with CNN's Kaitlin Collins, but he had words about Trump's "candidacy." He thinks Trump should drop out of the race:

GEOFF DUNCAN: Donald Trump has confused Republicans from coast to coast. 'The angrier and louder you are, the more conservative you are.' The reality is, we talk about 'build the wall'? The wall was not built. We talk about 'drain the swamp,' the swamp wasn't drained. We have a bigger message than Donald Trump's sudden and as a Republican who wants to win the White House, we gotta do better and we got -- this. I think it's going to take a herculean effort. but I'm up for the task. We've got to be on the team to help figure out a way to get as many people on the same side as this, to call for Donald Trump to step down and get out of this race, not just for the good of the Republican Party, but for the good of the country.

Glad to see someone pop the first balloon, Geoff. And I guess you have to paint your party as "confused" in order to remain in it.

But it's adorable that you think Donald Trump gives one rat's butt about the good of the Republican Party, let alone the country.

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