As James Dobson told us in his big, revealing moment the other day: "Well, what Karl told me is that some of those individuals took themselves off
October 12, 2005

As James Dobson told us in his big, revealing moment the other day:

"Well, what Karl told me is that some of those individuals took themselves off that list and they would not allow their names to be considered, because the process has become so vicious and so vitriolic and so bitter, that they didn't want to subject themselves or the members of their families..

Dobson continued today with the same talking point:

"The judicial-confirmation system has become a political gantlet that more and more candidates are unwilling to run through."

More and more this talking point will filter down to try and rally the conservative base. The evil liberals headed by Ted Kennedy have corrupted the process so none of the great candidates Bush had promised conservatives during his re-election campaign would take a chance to be on the Supreme Court because of all the vitriol. Funny how it didn't seem to bother Judge Robert.

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