June 25, 2014

In a move that had me laughing all morning, Speaker John Boehner plans to sue President Obama over his use of executive orders.

He seems very serious about it too:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) confirmed Wednesday that he intends to sue the Obama administration over its use of executive actions, which have been used to push through initiatives without congressional approval.

"I am," he told reporters at a weekly briefing on Capitol Hill. His intention to sue the administration was reported Tuesday.

Asked if his plan could lead to impeachment proceedings in the House, as some have called for, Boehner demurred. "This is not about impeachment," he said. "This is about faithfully executing the laws of our country."

The speaker declined to provide details about which executive actions he intends to challenge in court.

"When I make that decision, I'll let you know," he said, adding that "when there is conflicts like this between the legislative and administrative branch, it's our responsibility to stand up."

"We've seen clearly an effort to erode power of the legislative branch," he added.

The hypocrisy smells to the high heavens. Barack Obama has implemented 168 EO's while George W. Bush used 291, but that was fine for all conservatives, libertarians, Glenn Beckians and John Boehner because of freedom!

The Speaker apparently is shoring up his wacko bird credentials for the tea party folks in his party, but all this does is embarrass John Boehner in the eyes of most Americans. Nice going, kiddo.

Here's a breakdown of executive orders since Reagan.

Ronald Reagan: 381

George Bush: 166

William J. Clinton: 364

George W. Bush 291

Barack Obama 168

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