The Meet The Press host discussed a possible impeachment of President Biden if Republicans take the House, but didn't ask what he did illegally to warrant such a vote.
September 25, 2022

On Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd asked Rep. Nancy Mace if President Biden would be impeached if Republicans retake the House, but he never asked for an explanation as to what criminal behavior would warrant such a drastic measure.

TODD: Do you expect an impeachment vote against President Biden if Republicans take over the House?

REP. NANCY MACE: I believe there's a lot of pressure on Republicans to have that vote, to put that legislation forward, and to have that vote. I think that is something that some folks are considering.


Todd's response of "wow" should have been followed up asking actual substantive questions about impeachment, but it was not.

After Rep. Mace explained why she's not a fan of impeaching the sitting president, Chuck Todd failed as a news host when he refused to make her explain why Biden should be impeached.

Instead, Todd only asked how she would vote.

CHUCK TODD: But if these impeach Biden votes come up, how are you going to vote?

REP. NANCY MACE: Again, I'm going to read how that bill is filed, what's in it, what evidence there was. I didn't vote to impeach the former president of the United States because I felt like due process was stripped away...

There is no credible case to be made against President Biden for impeachment. Disagreeing with one party's legislation or Executive orders is not cause for impeachment, as any competent human being or transhumanoid cyborg would know.

Since Trump was so unethical, immoral, and criminal, he was rightly impeached twice. His recent behavior of hoarding top secret and classified documents at his Florida residence is just reason 6,783.040 of why he's unfit to hold any public office.

MAGA is looking for playback, plain and simple.

Update (Frances Langum): Never forget Nancy Mace is the congresswoman who allegedly vandalized her own house and then fundraised off of the incident.

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