July 10, 2023

MAGA queen Maria Bartiromo is hyperventilating over a small quantity of cocaine found in a highly trafficked area in the White House.

Because of course she is.

Staten Island Republican (R+6) Rep. Nicole Malliotakis claimed the packet was there because Biden supports the drug cartels.

Republicans continue to rant and rave over a little coke as if Biden's Chief of staff was dealing it from the Oval Office.

"It's absolutely outrageous," Malliotakis said. "I mean, what an embarrassment for the White House, and for our country that cocaine was found inside the building."

Linking President Biden to "the border" and the drug cartels was her main objective.

Since freaking out and lying appear to be the order of the day, we wonder if it could have been a Fox News correspondent that dropped the white powder.

"And now it seems that there's somebody at the White House that apparently is using some of these drugs." she said.

Has Malliotakis drug-tested her own staff?

"Someone has to be held accountable for not only using drugs within the White House but for whoever smuggled that into the White House -- where did it come from and where does that lead? That could be another total investigation into what exactly is going on here."

House Republicans' only function appears to be calling for investigations into nonsensical outrages.

As NBC reported, "the area is transited by VIPs, visitors, tourists, staff members, military officials and facilities operations employees."

"Is there a reason why we have such open borders, and the president seems to be doing so much to support the drug cartels," she wheezed.

The only thing Republicans do these days is make mountains out of molehills and conspiracies out of nonsense.

I personally believe it was the Cocaine Bear that dropped his stash.

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