New Hampshire State Representative Jess Edwards is unapologetic for worrying about those poor, ripe, fertile teen girls.
May 9, 2024

New Hampshire State Representative Jess Edwards of the Gross Old Pervs Party, is refusing to apologize for being overly interested in "ripe" and "fertile" teenage girls having to wait until they are 18 years old before getting married. To make the situation worse, he said that he won't apologize because he's the real victim here:

"In an interview with The Daily Beast on Tuesday night, Edwards said using the word 'ripe' was a mistake, but that he did not deserve the hundreds of emails he received calling him a pedophile and worse."

“I misspoke. It was an inappropriate word,” acknowledged Edwards. However, he added, “Because I have this avalanche of hate, I really don't want to apologize in the face of that, because I don’t want to encourage this behavior for the next guy who says the wrong word. By giving into all of the mob, I don’t want to feed the beast. I don’t care to apologize to the haters.”

The situation is quickly escalating to the point where it might not be enough for Uncle Creeper to just apologize. He should consider taking an early retirement and move off into a very rural area, but only if there's not near any camps that have teenage counselors. Just to play it safe.

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