(The Young Rascals. When Groovin' was high art.) Here's another lost-lost discovery from the vaults, heard by two or three other people on the plan
March 13, 2009


(The Young Rascals. When Groovin' was high art.)

Here's another lost-lost discovery from the vaults, heard by two or three other people on the planet (until today). The Young Rascals appearing at the Hollywood Bowl-August 16,1968. The lineup featured Tommy James and The Shondells (I'll put that one up later), Eric Burdon & The Animals and The Yellow Payges. Vintage Rascals though. This excerpt includes "Love Is A Beautiful Thing" "I'm So Happy Now" and "Groovin'". The sound mix is better this time around - technology was creeping its way into the Bowl. Still a little hot in places. But this is history on the fly - and it ain't always perfect!

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