May 24, 2010

Nicholas Leroux of The Fugitive Kind_9e944.jpg
(Nicholas Leroux of The Fugitive Kind - brooding expansive)

Back to new discoveries tonight. I just happened upon the MySpace site for The Fugitive Kind while I was complaining loudly that MySpace have somehow limited the ability to do some in-depth browsing on their site; limiting you only to 200 mostly familiar names or a name you know already. Kind of takes the fun out of discoveries, but they can still happen although not as easily as before. What a drag.

Well, that said, The Fugitive Kind is actually another one man band (a bit like Curly Giraffe, only French this time, not Japanese) by the name of Nicholas Leroux. He has some fascinating material on his site of which this track, Stone Age is only one of several strong tracks.

As is always the case, check out his site and have a listen to what else he's got going on. It's worth it.

. . and speaking of worth it:

A little bit or a lot, we need it all.

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