August 24, 2014

The media, fueled by the right wing outrage machine has been quick to jump on President Obama's golf game since the horrible murder of James Foley and The Weekly Standard has been leading the charge. In Bill Kristol's short post called "Appalling,' he attacked the president with this:

The president closed by appealing to "the timeless values that we stand for." The only timeless value he seems willing to stand for is golf.

Oh, snap! George W. Bush's golf outings never bothered him at all, but that's because IOKIYAR. He so admires a man who has repeatedly attacked the middle east.

Anyway, on ABC's This Week, "Bloody" Bill said that if Obama just implemented his policies then he could play as much golf as he wanted.

BILL KRISTOL: Well, I think we call this policies (INAUDIBLE). If he were pursuing good process, if I had left 10,000 troops in Iraq and we're bombing the heck out of ISIS, I would say go ahead and play golf, Mr. President. The problem is his policies. It's not just vacation.

President Kristol has spoken.

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