November 3, 2017

Fox News is chicken with their ad buys.

CHRIS HAYES: You know, you were running these ads on Fox News. I think that's probably where the president saw him tweeting:

Have you ever run for election?

TOM HEYER: Not since school, Chris. But fox news subsequent to that refused to fulfill their contract with us, which was to continue to run our ad.

HAYES: Oh! They canceled the contract midway through after the tweet.

HEYER: Yes. So we don't know why, we don't know whether it was a request from the white house, but what we do know is that they are censuring the voice of a million and a half Americans that they are scared to air.

HAYES: So they're no longer running it on their air?

HEYER: Correct. In violation of the contract that we have with them.

We know that Fox's audience was furious over the ad interferring with their fantasy viewing time, but was it their rage, or Trump's, that made Fox flinch?

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