January 29, 2018

During this afternoon's WH press briefing, Sarah Sanders admitted that Trump put pressure on the entire Justice system because he wants to end the Russian investigations and the media's obsession with it.

The breaking news of the day was that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was stepping down sooner than expected.

Fox News' John Roberts was first up and asked about Trump's tweets that were viciously directed at Andrew McCabe.

"How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin’ James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?" Trump tweeted in December.

Roberts asked, "What's he thinking about him stepping down?"

Sanders said, "Any specifics, I can tell you none of this decision was made by the White House."

Roberts remarked, "You say the White House wasn't involved in the decision, but clearly the president seemed to be involved in public relations campaign against McCabe."

Sanders said Trump stands by his previous attacks comments on McCabe, but then she took referred him to the FBI.

She was asked in no uncertain terms if Trump played a role in Andrew McCabe's stepping down?

Sanders incredibly said, "The president wasn't part of this decision making process."

She's giving Kellyanne Conway a run for her money with her own version of alternative facts!

CNN's Jim Acosta "Sarah, what would you say to critics who believe that this White House and this president have had almost a steady pressure put on the Justice Department, put on the FBI since the president came into office, on this special counsel investigation, whether it be conversations with Jeff Sessions' office about recusal, whether it be about the desire for Robert Mueller to go away, and now with Andrew McCabe."

He continued, "There are even reports Rob Rosenstein was feeling pressure from the White House. It sounds like multiple officials are being pressured by the White House and the president. What would you say?"

Sanders got pissy and claimed the Trump administration went "above and beyond" and was being transparent and fully cooperative with the special counsel.

Acosta replied, "What about this notion that the president has been applying pressure for months, steady pressure?"

Sanders replied, "The only thing that the president has applied pressure to is make sure we to get this resolved so you guys and everyone else can focus on the things that Americans actually care about and that is making sure everybody gets the Russia fever out of their system once and for all, that you are all reminded once again there was no collusion, and that we can move forward to focus on things like national security..."

The WH press secretary just admitted that Trump has been putting copious amounts of pressure on the entire Justice Department, including the Andrew McCabes in the FBI to do away with the entire investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and whether or not Trump officials colluded with a foreign power.

Thanks for clearing that up for us, Sarah.

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