Anti-Choicers forgot that the Hyde Amendment was a compromise. And they have not kept their side of the bargain.
Biden Keeps Campaign Promise: No Hyde Amendment In Budget
Credit: @allaboveall
May 31, 2021

Biden wasn't always against the Hyde Amendment, but there's a specific reason why he changed his mind.

May we please begin by noting that Rachel Maddow was right back in 2019. Biden's stand on Hyde was modified by the force of women Democrats and their power in the Democratic Party.

And as I wrote at the time, the other reason Biden COULD change his position is that the Hyde Amendment was a compromise.

The compromise was this: (1) Abortion is legal nationally and (2) Tax dollars won't pay for it.

It's conservatives who broke the compromise with their unending state-to-state shadowbans, straight-up bans, and stacking of the Supreme Court to end Roe.

So our part of that compromise? The "no federal funding" part of the Hyde Amendment? Goes in the trash.

And that was Biden's reasoning as to why he changed his position:

Activists celebrated the news -- and promised to hold the White House accountable.

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