A legal analyst for ABC News pointed out that former President Donald Trump is potentially facing 20 years in prison for "serious felonies" after the search of his Mar-a-Lago home.
ABC Analyst: Trump Faces '20 Years Behind Bars' For 'Serious Felonies'
Credit: Gage Skidmore
August 14, 2022

A legal analyst for ABC News pointed out that former President Donald Trump is potentially facing 20 years in prison for "serious felonies" after the search of his Mar-a-Lago home.

Dan Abrams told ABC host Jonathan Karl that the Department of Justice could indict Trump for multiple crimes after finding classified documents during the search.

"They're very serious," Abrams said of the charges. "And the one that's being talked about most is this espionage act because it has the word espionage in it. But the truth is that when it comes to potential criminal sentences, the obstruction of justice statute is the one with the most potential prison time."

"There you're talking about up to 20 years behind bars," he added. "So these are not sort of minor crimes we're talking about here. We're talking about the potential for serious felonies with regard to all three of the crimes being investigated."

But Abrams threw cold water on the idea that a Trump prosecution would be easy.

"The fundamental question is going to be intentionality," he opined. "How much do they believe that they did this on purpose? Were they intentionally ignoring subpoenas? Were they literally destroying documents?"

Watch the video below from ABC.

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