Mike's Blog Round-Up
Pre-Hurricane (Orange-Yellow)Credit: M. Bouffant
August 22, 2023

The Lots Of Rain But Not Much Wind Edition

"Economic anxiety" from Beyond The Beltway: This time, the automobile industry is screwing Americans; you'll no longer be able to get a new car for under $20,000. "The average new vehicle is now $48,000. And huge."

P.M. Carpenter thinks the shoe fits; just call the cult members "psychotic" already!

Question of the Day, asked by Off the Kuff: What if Houston gets too hot?

Barbie's Dream House trashed & other oddities & images, via Buttermilk Sky.

Barbie Bonus: Hush-Kit asks if Barbie's Dreamjet will fly.

M. Bouffant. Submissions invited at mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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