Mike's Blog Round-Up
Swadesh SunsetCredit: M. Bouffant
August 23, 2023

The "It's Not a Debate, It's a Q&A Session Conducted by Idiots, Signifying Nothing!" Edition

It's a quandary alright: Bidenomics or Trumpian economic war? Hackwhackers.

Climate crisis perceptions from annieasksyou...

Green Eagle wraps up the wingnuts.

Should I Stay Or ...? Strangely Blogged.

Bonus: A look at the future, where robots will tell pharmacists which prescription drugs to push to whom, based on inaccurate information, & doctors be damned. News From me.

M. Bouffant did this, & for nothing, speaking of economic war. Send your submissions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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