January 21, 2010

From The Thom Hartmann Show Jan. 20, 2010.

Hartmann: Today, five conservative, activist judges on the United States Supreme Court, in an act that the four dissenters called "the height of recklessness"; that's an actual quote from the dissent, said that corporations stand on the same ground as human beings with regard to the 1st Amendment, with regard to Constitutional rights. I mean this is absolutely boggling, mind boggling.


The Supreme Court has handed the American electoral process to corporations, lock, stock and barrel... five conservatives on the Supreme Court... five Republican appointed conservatives on the Supreme Court, have handed to corporations, the right to money-bomb on an unlimited basis any politician. This happened two hours ago. Benito Mussolini invented a new form of government. It was the merger of corporations and state. He called it fascism. Welcome my friends to the Fascist States of America.

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