This piece comes to us from the Reverberi brothers, who had collaborated on it for the soundtrack of the Spaghetti Western, "Django, Prepare a Coffin!".
November 24, 2013

This piece comes to us from the Reverberi brothers, who had collaborated on it for the soundtrack of the Spaghetti Western, Django, Prepare a Coffin!. Although the film was released at the height of the popularity of the Spaghetti Western genre, it was limited to parts of Europe an did not enjoy the same popularity as that of the Dollars trilogy. However, it's still a pretty strong series for the genre (the official ones, anyway), and had one of the better soundtracks out there, despite being overshadowed by Ennio Morricone's score for The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. If you ask me, the Reverberis did a fine job of capturing the atmosphere of the Spaghetti Western in a way that complimented the film as well.

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